Transforming Leamington is an exciting long-term initiative which aims to bring
together all those involved in making Royal Leamington Spa Town Centre a vibrant and successful
place now and into the future.
CONTACT USTransforming Leamington is an initiative committed to making Royal Leamington Spa Town Centre a great place for people to live, work, shop and socialise. It is currently led by public agencies and brings commerce and industry together with the community to improve coordination and achieve meaningful change on the ground.
OUR VISION TRANSFORMATION PROJECTSWe are transforming ‘Leamington’ by working with public and private sector organisations to reinvigorate old buildings, bring jobs and people to the town centre, improve access, and create attractive and safe public spaces.
OUR VISION TRANSFORMATION PROJECTSOur aim is to unlock opportunities to deliver a sustainable, creative and digital future, that respects existing neighbourhoods and builds inclusive commercial and residential communities. Every change, from grand plans to small plans, will contribute to the overall long-term transformation.
OUR VISION TRANSFORMATION PROJECTSAt Transforming Leamington we want to support and encourage all those involved in the town centre to contribute and help to make Royal Leamington Spa an even greater place.
If you would like to feed into the Advisory Forum, then please do get in touch.
The last opportunities for the town to contribute were at the Annual Town Assembly Meeting held at the Royal Pump Rooms Assembly Room on Tuesday 12th March 2024 630-8pm.
150 people gathered to hear further about work being undertaken to both refresh the vision for Leamington Spa town centre and explore possible future options for Parade. Thank you to all who contributed! Presentation is here.
This was followed by a Business drop-in session at the Assembly Room, Royal Pump Rooms, on Thursday 11th April from 12pm-2pm with a short presentation from LDA Design. Around 40 local business representatives attended and lots of valuable contributions made. Again thank you. Presentation is here.
We then braved the weather at the busy Covent Garden Market
with a stall facing the Parade on Sun 28 April 10am-4pm. Lots of excellent conversations and contributions, thanks to all. Exhibition Boards here
We then welcomed more people to the Old Town Drop-in
Wed 8 May 5pm-7:30pm , 1 Mill Street which was a further opportunity to place views on the exhibition boards and meet members of the team.
This was then taken to:
Leamington Library Exhibition
– from Mon 29 April to Tues 21 May
An on-line survey accompanied these events:
This was hosted by WCC and opened Friday 26th April 2024 and closed Tuesday 28th May 2024.
Thank you for your contributions.
A Vision document is aiming to be produced over summer 2024.
OUR VISION TRANSFORMATION PROJECTSPlease drop us a message and get involved in Transforming Leamington