Transforming Leamington is led by the Leamington Transformation Board consisting of members from the Royal Leamington Spa Town Council, Warwickshire County Council, and Warwick District Council.
Whilst the Leamington Transformation Board makes every effort to keep the information on this website accurate, it disclaims any warranty or representation, express or implied about its accuracy, completeness or appropriateness for a particular purpose.
Thus, you assume full responsibility for using the information on this website, and you understand and agree that neither the Leamington Transformation Board nor any of its members are responsible or liable for any claim, loss or damage resulting from its use.
E-mails and Get in Touch responses are managed by a Warwick District Council officer for the Leamington Transformation Board and the information is stored on a Microsoft 365 Outlook account independent of the Council. Reponses are logged on an excel spreadsheet for future reference and for those wishing to be part of a mailing list. This list is securely stored on the Warwick District Council server.
It is intended that the information is stored for the duration of the Transforming Leamington programme which is a long-term initiative. All information is treated as confidential and only shared with members of the Leamington Transformation Board or with other Council officers as required by the enquiry. Anyone wishing to delete any of the information they have shared can contact Transforming Leamington to do this.